Paying Attention
Our youngest son, Dustin Augustus, is starting to get a little better about sitting still in church. I still have to give him a gentle reminder every so often, and unless it’s a children’s Mass where the priest has a special homily for the children, Dusty isn’t really too focused on the Mass. His little head is filled with cartoons and video games and the business of seven-year-old boys, all the stuff of our modern, materialistic world that SEEMS more important and exciting than our relationship with our Lord.
Then one Sunday as Dusty was squirming in his seat, it occurred to me that we adults are just the same. How often during the Mass or during prayer do we lose our focus? Our mind wanders and we begin to think of errands that need to be run… Or maybe it’s our job… Or maybe a ballgame or movie…
And in our daily lives, what is it that consumes our thoughts? When we wake each morning, do we roll out of bed onto our knees and pray the prayer that Jesus prayed in the garden? “Not my will Father, but Your Will be done.”
Or do we get up without a thought for Our Lord, our minds already focused on our earthly pursuits of work, fun and entertainment? What are we paying attention to in our lives? What passions consume us? Our secular, materialistic society tells us that wealth and luxury, fun and personal achievement are what’s important. To your own self be true?
But Jesus told us, “Blessed are the poor in spirit…” He asks us to die to our selfish selves.
Who are we listening to? What consumes us? The messages of this world: wealth, luxury, fun, entertainment, self?
Our Father in Heaven sent His only begotten Son. Are we consumed with doing good and being good? Are we passionate about giving to the poor and feeding the hungry? Does the suffering in the world pierce our hearts?
Who are we paying attention to? To the messages of this earthly life which is temporary? Or to Our Father in Heaven Who offers us eternal life?
“Do we belong to the world?
Or do we belong to God?
May it be so.”
--Bishop Fulton Sheen
We need to pay attention to the Lord Our God! He has shown us the way!
Not my will Father, but Your Will be done.
Amen. Amen.
Darrell, funnily enough i was just reading a little from St Therese of Liseaux on this tonight!! She says that often saying the rosary dor her was a big distraction, worse than a hair shirt. But she says after a while she was given the grace to understand that God looks at our good intentions rather than the mess we often make of thingsand that this gave her peace.
this is a very encouraging blog and God bless you & your family.I too am a conservative catholic in Africa and i enjoyed reading your blog
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